Joint statement by civil society organizations on the 20th anniversary of the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union

With this joint declaration, we express our firm commitment to European values such as democracy, the rule of law,
and human dignity. We are grateful to be a full part of a united Europe where security, prosperity, freedom, human rights, and equality are the pillars of its stability. Thank you.

After the Velvet Revolution, the Czech Republic has undergone a successful process of restoring democratic principles and developing a free society. We confirmed our values and political direction 20 years ago by joining the European Union. An integral part of modern Europeanism is a confident civil society that strengthens involvement of citizens in public affairs, promotes transparency in governance, establishes equality for all people without distinction and socially includes those who fall outside the mainstream. 

The accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union on 1 May 2004 had a clearly positive impact on the development of civil society in the Czech Republic. Thanks to our EU membership, we have been able to implement hundreds of thousands of publicly beneficial projects in education, health care, social work, culture, leisure activities, and the environment, which have made life better for people in the Czech Republic.

We have professionalized our work and become more resilient. We have become partners of the state, business and European institutions in solving many systemic issues. We have gained international contacts and prestige. Europe supports us with its policies to become equal partners of the state. 

As active citizens and representatives of non-governmental, non-profit organizations, we declare our shared responsibility for the future of the Czech Republic within the European Union. We freely commit to continue contributing to the realization of shared European values through our public service efforts at the local, regional, national, and international levels.

Prague, 1 May 2024